Sunday, March 16, 2008


Well I learned a few things from this weekly challenge. I hope someone else did too.

I learned that catch lights are pretty easy to capture once you know to look for them. (However you can't use the flash and still capture catch lights, at least not when I tried.)

I also learned that my camera seems to have an automatic ISO setting at 800 and it resets when the camera is turned to automatic mode (I guess). I'm very frustrated that I didn't know that beforehand as I thought my pictures were taken at ISO 200 and then when I saw that they were grainy discovered that it somehow had returned to ISO 800. Aaargh! I'll have to be on the lookout for that.


Kathy Tolman said...

Kris I love this of Bri. I like that you turned it into B&W. It really enhanced the effect. Good Job.

Anonymous said...

Yay for catch lights! And FYI - you can use your flash to create catch lights . . . but maybe from a different angle?